
Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Leaky Faucet

Proverbs 19:13
A foolish son is the calamity of his father: 
and the contentions of a wife are a constant dripping.

No one likes a dripping faucet, it ranks right up there with nails along a chalk board and a whiny child, however the Bible describes me as a "constant dripping" when I have contentions. I wasn't sure what contentions were so I looked them up...according to Webster's Dictionary contentions are "something (such as a belief, opinion, or idea) that is argued or stated". Well, I've never considered myself a quarrelsome or contentious wife however I definitely argue and almost always state my beliefs and opinions when they disagree with my husband. So I asked myself the question "What do I say/do that reminds Josh of a dripping faucet?" 

Please Lord, forgive me and please Josh forgive me for being contentious and unknowingly making you listen to my faucet that was a constant dripping. Lord, help me to continue to learn to bridle my tongue. 

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